Saturday, January 16, 2010

Life as a Soldier

My wife and I had recently attended her brother's graduation in Parris Island, S.C. It was definitely a great experience. That day he officially became a United States Marine... pretty cool.

Marine Boot Camp is 3 months of torture! Of course, me being so curious... I decided to YouTube some clips on what goes on during boot camp. Of course the drill instructors yell in your face and intimidation begins to rise... but what shocked me the most was the intensity, the passion, and the determination they all had to become a United States Marine. Here are a bunch of men and women miles away from their comfort zone, but yet they are there willing to do the work, willing to do whatever it takes to be a Marine.

Their perseverance through brutal training and their obedience to their drill instructors made them to become part of the U.S. Marine Corps.

To sum it up... I wonder if as Christians, if we'd be willing to be put in intense training for the cause of Christ, and if they would be completely surrendered in obedience to God. I wonder if we were to dedicate our lives into taking action by sharing the Gospel, by having a passionate prayer life, by using our talents for the glory of God, by studying the Word of God, and by attending church faithfully!

Would we survive?

The Bible shares that we are suppose to endure hardness like a good soldier of Jesus Christ, yes... as Christians we are suppose to be soldiers of Christ! Our complete obedience ought to be towards the Lord, as Christians we ought to determine to fight the good fight, and not mingle with the enemy.

Often times we see a Christian mingling with the foe. Their out there in the world, getting involved in all of what the world has to offer. God wants soldiers who will do the work, and who will persevere through the battles. In other words, God wants soldiers who are Semper Fidelis "Always Faithful", yep the U.S. Marine saying!

"Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." 2 Timothy 2:3

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